Pantry on the Go: Healthy Snacks When You Need 'Em

I’ll admit it – I’m kind of a food snob.  Not in the way of judging others, but in the way that I like to be in total control of the foods that are available to me.  The last two weekends I’ve spent out of town and I’ve been partially or fully at the mercy of others for my food choices… needless to say, this did not make me happy.  So, I took matters into my own hands, planned ahead, and packed a Pantry on the Go.

What’s a Pantry on the Go?

A Pantry on the Go is just what it sounds like – a travel pantry.  Not only great for travel, having a well-stocked Pantry on the Go can you help make healthier food choices every day.  The pantry lives in your purse or computer or gym bag (you could even stock your desk at work!) – whatever you carry with you each day.  Load up your pantry with healthy snacks that pack protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs (like veggies) to keep you full, happy, and energized all day long

What are some of my favorite Pantry on the Go items?

This isn’t the first time I’ve raved about Shakeology®and it probably won’t be the last. 


This nutritional powerhouse meal replacement is packed with:

- Protein (both regular and vegan options provides COMPLETE protein with all nine essential amino acids) - Antioxidants (for a healthy heart, blood pressure, and to keep your immune system strong) - Vitamins and Minerals (I still take a handful of vitamins every day, but this really already gives me everything I need) - Phytonutrients (alkalizing and detoxifying) - Pre- and Probiotics(healthy bugs for your tummy; aid in digestion and nutrient absorption)

I usually keep packets around to give to clients as samples, so I just grabbed a few this weekend, but you can also throw some in a plastic baggie and you’re good to go.  I paired with some single serving coconut milk boxes and a shaker cup – this could just as easily be made with water or regular milk.

For more information on Shakeology®, email me.

  • Larabars

If you haven’t tried Larabar, what are you waiting for?  And, if you have, then you’ll probably as in love with them as I am.  

“LÄRABAR® is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices. Made from whole food, each flavor contains no more than nine ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended.”

Currently available in 19 unique flavors like Apple Pie, Lemon Bar, and PB&J, Larabar offers something for everyone.  Stock up and have them ready to grab and go.  For more info visit

  • Fruit and veggie pouches (aka baby food)

I’m sure this one will seem a little strange to some, but I love the vacuum-sealed fruit and veggie purees made for babies and toddlers.  They typically have no added sugar, are high in fiber and vitamins, and are organic.  Happy Tot or Ella’s Kitchen are my go-to brands.  Tip: I buy them on sale and then freeze them until I need them.

ella's kitchen
ella's kitchen
  • Justin’s Nut Butter Packets

I think Justin’s nut butter packets were sent straight from heaven (or maybe that’s just what I tell the nut butter lover in me).  The packets come in flavors like Organic Peanut Butter, Classic Almond Butter, and Honey Almond Butter.  Each packet is filled with just over 2 tablespoons of “incredibly delicious, all natural” (according to Justin – and I have to agree) nut butter.  If you’re like me, you’ll probably squeeze the packet straight into your mouth, but you can also use on a sandwich or with fruits and veggies!

justins nutbutter
justins nutbutter

Check them out at

  • Mixed Nuts

Did you know that eating a handful of nuts a day can add years to your life expectancy?  It’s true!  Unfortunately, these little protein and fat powerhouses can be costly, so buy in bulk and package handfuls individually at home to save bucks.

  • Fruits and Veggies that Travel Well

Nothings better than fresh fruits and vegetables, but this can get tricky and bulky when traveling. I suggest picking a few fruits and veggies that travel well without requiring refrigeration or large packaging.  I usually opt for bananas or apples for fruits and green beans, snap peas, and carrot sticks for veggies.

In the comments, tell me what you’ll put in your Pantry on the Go?